Thursday, 24 November 2011

Adam Donnelly: Rolling Stones- Get off my cloud

Hello, Sorry this is mega mega late.
I had trouble getting invited to this, along with other technical gremlins.

I plan to do my karaoke interface all typographic from stencils which will be spray painted. I tried to use after effect but was unable to achieve a desired effect, it all seemed to come out so generic.
This is something I done not so long ago, although not for this project I think it gives a general feel of something along the lines of in which I want to achieve.

Once spray painted I intend to photograph and put into sequence on flash.

At current I am mainly cutting out.


  1. Really nice visually but what does it have to do with the track?

  2. Maybe not the most relevant visual to illustrate what I want to achieve, although it wasn't created for this project.

    I would like my final stencilled type to try to capture the expression in which Mick Jagger sings the words, just through the type and colour.

  3. it looks very cool and very good visual effect. After Effect has many Plugins, i dont know if Plugin is the right word. Just like the brushes and filters in PhotoShop. Maybe you can do some search online~~
