Wednesday, 23 November 2011


After the feedback... Here is the new version of my UB4O karaoke, I have added several versions using different contrasts/exposures and colours to see which is best fitting. I like the slight blur and distortion as I feel it adds to the mood of drink and heartbreak finding it hard focus. I also think the smudge of colours links with red wine and stains. linking to the heartbreak/alcohol abuse. Initially I wanted an aloof woman’s lips emotionless, however it has been fun exploring personality and shapes with lips, which adds a sort of encouragement to dance and enjoy the rhythm, as well as conveys the mix of emotions the singer feels. Feedback needed.


  1. really cool)
    one thing - the contrast of the colours might be a a little lower, calmer.

  2. Hey, I know how hard it is to make that. Made my own experience this summer, when I tried to make a "logo teaser" with rhinestones on teeth for the hfg cross media night. The big task was to get the stones on the teeth and that they stay there for 5 minutes (not longer - cyanoacrylate adhesive, not shorter - stomage). We used sugar sirup and in the end scotch tape, which made the film really trashy. Maybe I have some of the Swarowski stones in my stomage till today :D Here is a link: (Translation what my flat mate says: "go on, go on" "You can not see it...") So, you do a good job! Have lots of fun!

  3. Nice. It teeters on the brink of looking like the mouth is really singing along at points and not at others. This is quite interesting. What can be added to mix it up? Maybe folowing the structure of the song something new could be brought in for the bridge in the song. The idea is so simple that this could be tricky without disturbing the video too much, but it would be good to see some progression in the imagery during the course of the track.
