Tuesday, 29 November 2011

All My Little Words

Admittedly this isn't the most creative karaoke video ever, but I've been very busy with a lot of other things and this is the best I could come up with!

The type is written in tea leaves, it's all stop motion, something I'm new to and now know how to do! This is a very low quality video as I'm incapable of uploading it onto YouTube or converting the file size just a little smaller..

The music was recorded with my flatmates and myself; credit to Joe Wardle and Jessica Townson. This was done to enable a "karaoke version" where there is no main vocals. I will upload both so you can see the difference.

All My Little Words


1 comment:

  1. I think this works really well. It's strength is in its simplicty. The idea is very straight forward but I don't mind that. Sometimes the straighforward ideas are the best and they need not be any more 'clever' than that.

    Also the fact that you took the time to record the track is great and really adds something to the project.

    I like the way you create an opening and a closing by the expansion and contraction of the tea. This feels appropriate to the materials used.
